Events to come

Management of stress and emotions by Christiane Toussaint
Theme: Benevolence towards oneself to be then with others
Every 2nd Thursday of the month: from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.-45 p.m.
Dates 2023: March 09; April 13; May 11; June 08; July 13; August 10, September 14; October 12; November 09 and December 14.
Price: 10€/person (on reservation)
Course of a group workshop:
Welcome of participants and explanations on Mindfulness
Beginning of the session, lying on your carpet to the sound of a Tibetan bowl, you are ready for a moment of discovery. I won't tell you more… Be in the discovery, attentive and curious. Don't expect anything, this is where it all happens!
Moment of speaking: Expression of the feelings of the session.
Tasting of tea and a small snack, all this in full awareness.
Place of the workshop: L'Inattendue, Bed and Breakfast Well-being, Rue Al Paul, 15 at 6880 Bertrix
Contact: Christiane Toussaint, tel 0494 78 46 35